

baby care tips

 Hiccup: Botanical name : Terminalia chebula Retz. & Willd. (Combretaceae),Chebulic myrobalan (English), Harda (Hindi), Kadukaai (Tamil)Kaduka (Telugu) is a best medicine to stop hiccups for babies.  Grind this nut in the form of nice powder and take a pinch of this powder with few drops of honey.  This sweet medicine is applied on the tongue of the baby to stop hiccups.

Babies stomach problems, Vomiting and diarrhea: Vasambu or sweet flag is burnt well.  The ashes works wonders in baby health issues.  For diarrhea, A pinch of powder with milk is mixed and given to the baby to arrest dysentery.  For Vomiting, Mix two drops of honey with Vasambu ashes and spread it on the tongue of the baby to stop Vomiting.  For stomach problems, use the same ash with castor oil and apply it on the abdomen of the baby to get rid of this problem.

Speech Therapy for baby

Babies who are more than 1.5 years will make their parents worry, if they didn't speak even a single word.  A best remedy is to take a drop of honey that was placed in the fog during the night time.  Allow your baby to taste the honey daily for a quick speech.

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