

Health benefits of Agathi leaves or August tree leaves


Agathi keerai in Tamil, scientific name is sesbania grandiflora and in English the spinach variety is called as august tree leaves or humming bird tree leaves. There are two varieties of agathi leaves. One variety has white flower and the other one has red flower called as red august tree leaves. The common variety is white flower august tree leaves.  Taste of agathi leaves is bitter but has bunch of healthy values. The edible parts in this variety The tree grows 30 ft tall.   It helps to grow betel leaves around the tree.  Leaves, stem, root and flower of august tree leaves are used for medicinal purposes. The agathi leaves can be consumed in the form of juice, cooked spinach or medicine. The thin stem is used as a ingredient for good health medicines in siddha and ayurveda. It is advisable to take agathi leaves two to three times in a month.


Fiber                                     1.9 %
Fat                                        1.3 %                    
Calories                                90          
Water content                       74.5 %                  
Protein                                  7.5 %                    
Calcium                                120 Mg                                                
Phosphorus                            80 Mg   
Iron                                       3.5 Mg
Vitamin C                              165 Mg
B complex                               less
Minerals                                 3.4 %

Agathi Keerai Soup recipe  is a well known recipe for the 


Strong bones are the main contribution of agathi leaves. The vitamins and rich calcium, iron content in this variety of spinach supplies more strength to bones. By taking some amount of agathi leaves daily prevent weak bones in older ages and arthritis. Agathi leaves strengthen the nerves of eyes.

 Do you know why garlic is added while cooking agathi leaves? garlic has a medicinal property of avoiding gastric trouble while taking agathi leaves. Huge health benefits of agathi leaves can be consumed with little precautions to avoid complications.

Contispation, Complication caused by drinking more cups of coffee and tea, feeling of burning in palms, heart and foot, body heat are controlled by taking agathi leaves at frequent intervals. These are the common diseases that attacks more people more often in day to day life.

Agathi leaves are boiled fully and added to the mother of new born baby for healthy breast feeding. It has a power of throwing out the stomach worms and leaves your stomach happy for a long time. The high content of vitamin A and calcium is the reason behind this health benefit.

Also read healthy and glowing skin remedies

The juice of agathi leaves reduces headache by applying agathi leaves juice on the forehead for few minutes and then take steam to get quick relief.

The burning sensation of body, eyes, stomach, legs and feet are drastically reduced by adding agathi leaves in your diet. For indigestion and other digestion related problems humming bird tree leaves are highly recommended by doctors.

 The noticeable properties of agathi leaves are antidote, laxative, vermifuge and refrigerant. It reduces the unwanted bile in the body. It has a power of taking out the poisonous properties present in the food. Improves digestion and large intake of these leaves results in gastric trouble.

Add five broken Chebulic Myrobalan (kadukkai) in the juice of these spinal and pour it in a big vessel. Apply the juice on the area where a person is suffering from any kind of piles related diseases for half an hour. This works great and it cures piles, blood piles and kills germs that causes this disease.

The wounds that are present on the skin for a long time can be healed with the help of this leaves extracts. Apply this extracts on the marks of the skin and after few days you will search for the marks.  It acts as a blood purifier and pain reliver

Just scratch the seashangu in the juice of these leaves and just place it on the skin tag for fast abdomen permanent cure.

Premature greying and excess body heat are reduced if the leaves are crushed and filter the leaves. Apply it on the centre of The head and leave it for few minutes. Take head bath to experience the coming effect of the body.

Pour few drops of crushed leaves water inside the nose for frequent fever.

In a mixer, grind coconut, hummingbird tree leaves in equal quantities and grind it. The skin related diseases like ringworm, itching, rashes etc will be vanished as soon as the juice is poured on the affected skin.

To reduce the excess amount of bile in the body, take few pinches of table salt with the scathing leaves juice and drink it. It pushes out the bile water via vomiting.

Cracked foot is a common problem for most of the women who are doing household works. Best remedy for this infection is take this spinach, turmeric and henna in equal quantities and grind it. Apply the thick paste on the cracked foot.

For glowing skin and chill eyes feel try the following remedy. Agathi keerai,soaked fenugreek and grind it. Flattern the grinded dough and fry it in gingerly oil. Preserve the oil to massage on your body. It increases the cooling effect in the eyes and makes your skin shiny like gold.

Take 200 ml of august tree leaves, 50 g of licorice and milk in a large vessel. With this mixture add gingerly oil 250 ml and stir it till it gets syrup consistency in a hot pan. Drink one tsp of this syrup in the morning to get rid of mouth ulcer, stomach ulcer, throat ulcer etc.

It has a unique power of healing wounds, sprains, itches and bruises faster with the help of anti bacterial properties. The root of the agathi leaves is used as a medicine to cure malaria.

Humming bird tree leaves provides all the nutrition that makes strong body, healthy blood, good functions of all the body parts. It is strictly recommended to be taken occasionally. It is prescribed in siddha medicine as a good spinach variety that reduce the fever as well as it has a unique power of reducing the effect of poison and medicine.

To cure night blindness, the extract of humming bird tree leaves is used as a medicine.

Add small onions with humming bird tree leaves for good functions of intestine Store the water used for boiling the agathi leaves and use it for soup. It has all the vitamin and mineral content of the agathi leaves.


Each and every good one has a small amount of bad things in it. Likewise, agathi leaves has some minus points. It should be noted while a person is under any treatment. The precautions are

 The evil effects of agathi leaves include the chances of damaging the cells in the blood that leads to blood contamination or bad blood, if agathi leaves are taken daily or in large quantities.

If a person is under any treatment, he should avoid humming bird tree leaves to get the full medicinal power else the power of medicine will be reduced.

Stomach pain and diarrhea can be caused by taking agathi leaves. The causes of less amount of blood in the body leads to skin problems and blood related diseases.

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